Thursday, November 8, 2012

Promotions And Discounts: The Bait That Catches Your Customers

A fisherman puts bait on his hook in order to attract fish so he can catch them. This method can also be used by having promotions and discounts as bait to attract customers for your business. Any time you tell a customer he can save money your likely to get their attention. Discounts and Promotions will help boost your business as long as you offer it for a limited time. What this does is move a potential customer to make a decision.

You also have to remember to track your promotions. This will help you decide what's working and what's not. Winston Churchhill said " However beautiful the strategy you should occasionally look at the results." Yes by doing this it gives you control of your market.

There are all kinds of ways to entice people to buy your product. Here are 2 ways on how promotions and discounts can grow your business:

 #1. Gift cards- this is a simple and effective way to increase your cash flow.
 #2  Bundles-Pairing items together for a single price can help introduce low-selling items to a broader customer base. 

Yes discounts & promotions work as long as you effectively track them and remember  "your bottom line is our business".


Ricky Downs, CEO

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